Great Inventions

12 de mayo de 2015 EMILIANO TORRES MARTINEZ 0

Agriculture and the Plough (8.500 BC) The invention and development of agriculture, as well as later technologies that simplified this task, were essential for the survival of man. It was invented around 10,000 […]

Hora de Código

18 de diciembre de 2014 EMILIANO TORRES MARTINEZ 0

El Departamento de Informática ha inscrito al IES Fuente de San Luis(ver en el mapa para secundar la campaña promovida por y durante la semana del 8 y el 14 de […]


3 de junio de 2014 EMILIANO TORRES MARTINEZ 0

Renewable energy in Spain has traditionally had a small weight in relation to the demand for primary energy and electric power generation, and has been mainly represented by the hydraulic energy. However, since […]

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